Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation is a gentle manual therapy that not only aids but also empowers the body’s natural ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations that lead to pain and dysfunction. This emphasis on the body's natural ability can instill a sense of hope and empowerment in the audience. 

“Viscera” refers to the body's internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, and intestines. Treatment using this technique involves feeling for altered or decreased motion within the viscera and restrictive patterns throughout the body, and then gentle visceral manipulation techniques are applied.

When everything in your body is working properly, all of your organs should move and slide over each other smoothly. Unfortunately, strain, overuse or poor posture can cause organs like the kidneys, bladder and intestines to get a little “sticky,” which may lead to your internal tissues binding together. This can create adhesions, which, once formed, may cause areas of tension that make the organs stick together. This can lead to discomfort and decreased function. Visceral Mobilization is helpful for those who have had any abdominal surgery.


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