Virtual Rehab App

Exercise On Demand! In comfort of your own home.

Don’t want to wait for classes? Live out of town? Do you hate crowded Gyms?
Why not try a personalized Exercise program with True Coach?

Two-way to access:

Pre-made programming made to meet the needs of women recovering from cancer treatment
Personalized programming for your equipment, body and space needs

Pre-build programs:

These programs are built to meet the needs of women recovering from cancer treatment.
These programs include strength, cardio, roll, and stretching programming. You can access up to five programs per week.
There are four levels of programming to access.
These programs are built to do at home with low equipment needs.

Health Investment:

$15 if joining zoom classes
$20 monthly otherwise

ZOOM Class + True Coach Package
Monthly Cost of Zoom classes (Monthly classes cost around $30-$60)
Plus 2 extra True Coach Sessions per week (one strength session/one session Roll/Stretch)   ($ 20 per month)

Personalized Programs

These programs would be customized and tailored to the client's needs. We'd need to know your goals, age, what you are looking for specifically (strength, conditioning, mobility, combination, etc.), and what equipment and space you have available. 

$40 for a 4-week program
Up to 3 workouts per week

$60 for a 4 week program
Up to 4 workouts per week

$85 for a 4 week program
Up to 6 workouts a week

Prefer if client does a private session ($65) once a month to touch base on programming, progressions, or any new injuries!


Virtual/Inperson Rehab Classes


In Home Rehab Services